Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali
- +92 312 4040381
- +92 91 9216796
Dr. Qaisar Ali is a Ph.D in Structural Engineering. He is a meritorious Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Peshawar. He is currently serving as a Pro Vice-Chancellor of UET Peshawar and as a Dean of Faculty of Civil, Agriculture and Mining Engineering. He has played a key role in establishing and then expanding the first ever Earthquake Engineering Center of Pakistan, which is now the fourth largest seismic testing facility in the world. He has been a Director of this center for five years.
Dr. Qaisar Ali is consultant to various government and non-government national and international organizations on earthquake related issues. He is member of various professional bodies including a core group working on the Building Code of Pakistan. He is on the editorial list of several publications including the World Housing Encyclopedia, EERI, USA. He served as an advisor on various research projects in the field of structural and earthquake engineering dealing with the seismic response of reinforced concrete frames, unreinforced brick masonry buildings, stone masonry and Dhajji-Dewari traditional buildings. He has developed several manuals on seismically safe construction for individuals involved in the construction industry.
His research interests are development of seismic risk maps for Pakistan, seismic code development for Pakistan, non-linear experimental and numerical studies of masonry structures, repair and strengthening of masonry and RC structures.
Dr. Qaisar Ali also provides consultancy services through his consultancy firm, Dr. Qaisar Ali Associates (DQA). DQA is a structural engineering consulting firm having its offices established in Islamabad and Peshawar, Pakistan. The firm has the capability of providing structural & earthquake engineering services through its professional team which is competent enough to undertake any challenging task. Although the Chief Executive of the firm, Dr. Qaisar Ali, has been providing structural and earthquake engineering services for the last thirty years both at national and international level, he has remolded & expanded his consulting firm into DQA in order to cope with the emerging challenges of the construction industry. For more details visit the site
Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali belongs to famous chain of Silsilah chishtia in tasawuf which links back with famous aalim e deen Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (R.A).